
The Frog Princess

I met a girl, she was a frog princess
I guess I ought to make it clear
That I saw nothing through her see-through dress
Until she whispered in my ear

"You don't really love me and I don't really mind
'Cause I don't love anybody,
That stuff is just a waste of time
Your place or mine?"

I met a girl, she was a complete mess
I should've left her well alone—but oh no, not me!
I had to see if underneath that dress
Her heart was really made of stone

You don't really love me and I don't really mind
'Cause I don't love anybody,
I come and go through people's love lives
Your place or mine?

I met a girl, she was a frog princess
And yes I do regret it now
But how was I to know that just one kiss
Could turn my frog into a cow?

And now I'm rid of her I must confess
To thinking 'bout what might have been
And I can visualise my frog princess
Beneath a shining guillotine

You don't really love me and I don't really mind
'Cause I don't love anybody,
I come and go through people's love lives
Your place or mine?


I Have Forgiven Jesus

I was a good kid, I wouldn't do you no harm,
I was a nice kid, With a nice paper round.
Forgive me any pain, I may have brung to you.
With God's help I know,
I'll always be near to you

But Jesus hurt me, When he deserted me, but,
I have forgiven you Jesus
For all the desire,
You placed in me when there's nothing I can do with this desire

I was a good kid, Through hail and snow, I'd go just to moon you,
I carried my heart in my hand
Do you understand, Do you understand

But Jesus hurt me, When he deserted me, but,
I have forgiven you Jesus
For all of the love,
You placed in me when there's no one I can turn to with this love

Monday - humiliation,
Tuesday - suffocation,
Wednesday - condescension,
Thursday - is pathetic
By Friday life has killed me, By Friday life has killed me.

Oh pretty one, Oh pretty one...

Why did you give me so much desire,
when there is nowhere I can go to offload this desire?
And why did you give me so much love in a loveless world,
when there's no one I can turn to to unlock all this love?
And why did you stick me in self deprecating bones and skin?
Jesus, do you hate me?
Why did you stick me in self deprecating bones and skin?
Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Do you hate me? Do you hate me?



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예전에는 3000원짜리 테이프를 사면 됐다. 점심을 한 끼만 굶으면 고등학생도 음반을 소유할 수 있었다는 이야기이다. 하지만 카세트 테이프가 거의 쇠락하고, 모든 음원이 CD로만 유통되던 중간기, 내 주변인들의 음악 소비량은 현저하게 줄어들었다. 정확히 말하면 그때 막 싹을 틔우기 시작했던 넵스터를 향해 달려들었다고 할 수 있다.

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싱글 음반을 포함한 몇몇 시도들이 음악계에서 시도되고 있는 것 같지만 때늦은 대응이라는 인상을 지울 수 없다. 이미 음악은 물리적 매개체를 통하지 않고 유통되고 있으며, 바로 그 방식을 통해 구성되는 시장은 계속 성장세를 보이고 있으니 말이다. 확실히 테이프는 언젠가 늘어나게 마련이니 소리를 저장하는 매체로서 그다지 좋지 않다. 하지만 CD의 애매한 사이즈에 대한 고찰이 이루어지지 않은 채 그것이 DVD까지 이어지게 되었다는 사실만큼은 조금 불만스럽다(CD의 사이즈가 불편하다는 것이 납득이 가지 않는다면, 5.25인치 디스켓이 3.5인치 디스켓에 완전히 쓸려버린 이유를 4.375초 정도만 생각해보자).

필립스가 처음 CD를 개발할 때 표준을 그런 식으로 정해버린 덕택에, 결국 지금은 나같은 구닥다리를 제외한 그 누구도 CDP를 들고 다니지 않고, 그리하여 우리는 버스 정류장에 앉아 갓 산 음반의 비닐을 벗기고 첫 소리를 감상하는 두근거림마저도 함께 잃어버리게 되었다. 어쩌면 그게 음악을 듣는 진짜 즐거움일지도 모르는데 말이다.